Archive for the ‘Vet!? Eek!!’ Category

Dew was sick in December :(

Posted: February 11, 2013 in Honeydew, Vet!? Eek!!
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Honeydew has hyperthyroidism and is on medication to help control it. She sometimes has what one vet called a thyroid storm in which she gets diarrhea and vomiting and she completely stops eating. We tried baby food, tuna, chicken broth, along with other normally tasty beggin type treats and nothing would entice her to eat. The last time this happened she lost weight so quickly and we took her to an emergency vet late at night (in 2010) and they got her on an IV and did their magic and said we were lucky. Well the same symptoms began in December at Christmas time and we took her in to a different vet (because we moved 9 hours from the last one) and they looked at her and ran blood work and sent her home. She started to barf bile up and I had just come down with the flu so I was too drained to be of help. I took her back when she looked to be even worse and they kept her overnight for two nights and did the magic again and got her stable and eating. They ran more tests. I gave them info to get records from the other vet the last time so they could compare numbers and see. They saw high white blood cell count… But it was a bit different so who knows if this was another thyroid storm that we caught early or what, but she came home with the tape on her leg as seen in the pic and she moped around for a few days looking pitiful. The pic with her in the corner was at the vets office. Typically on a regular check up day she is all over and looking at everything. Sadly she just got in a corner that day. The vet saw my watery eyes and red feverish face and thought I was crying over Honeydew. I told her I felt like walking death with the flu and begged them to fix her while I went home and tried to not die as I slept in a drugged coma with NyQuil and aspirin coursing through me. So while I am sad about my poor sick HoneyDude, I tend to not cry that easily in front of others. Hehe. So now we have a new vet up here. 🙂 Honeydew is looking better and we’re trying to fatten her back up so she’ll have fat reserves for the next time this happens. Her backbone was so prominent. It is still boney but starting to fatten back up. Thankfully. Without a lil fat I fear she will have less time when she stops eating and starts the horrible symptoms all over again. Anyway, we are happy our Dude is ok again and hope for a few more good years and no storms!!! This makes for an expensive disease. Eek.


Posted: August 13, 2012 in Honeydew, Vet!? Eek!!
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Honeydew has to go back to the vet again. This will be her fourth visit and more bloodwork. We wondered if the vet was trying to suck the money from us so my hubby had them have the vet call us back and he had a nice talk with her. She told him all the details of the report and was understanding of our concerns about all these trips in. I guess she is trying to get Honeydew’s T levels to a mid range and it is either too high or too low on the different dosages of her meds that we’ve been trying out. So this is the last time for Honeydew… one more trip and then a break. Then we start all over with Sabrina because Sabrina has the same thing. Hyperthyroidism. Poor cats!



Posted: August 10, 2012 in Honeydew, Vet!? Eek!!
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Honeydew had another vet appointment for more blood work to see how her T levels are since she has hyperthyroidism. She was not pleased with her trip to the vet. Poor Honeyscrooge!






Honeydew had her follow up vet visit and more blood work. We are now trying a lesser amount of the medication than the last week’s recommended dosage. Here she is in her box. This pet carrier opens on the front as well as on top. She will push her head up to the door on top and try to open it. It’s cute when she does that.

Honeydew’s Trip

Posted: July 22, 2012 in Vet!? Eek!!
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Honeydew had to go to the vet for bloodwork so we could get more of her meds for her hyperthyroidism. He did well at the vet, hated the car ride, and was sleepy and listless after getting home. Rusty had to stand far off and stretch his neck out and give her the old sniff test before he let her pass.




